


Projects We Have Done

They Want Us Divided is a project developed around music production and song writing, its mission is to gather people around art and celebrate humankind and nature.


Production, Lyrics and Mixing

This project is a collaboration between VileShinobi and 100kSTADIUM, we aim to achieve the balance between original story telling and hardcore gameplay.

Vile Shinobi

Content Creation

Burlap’s Tales is a collection of tales and comics by Burlap. This project is to showcase previous creative projects to prospective customers

Burlap’s tales

Writing and Comics

Bay street bets is a community revolving around Canadian public markets. With over 45 thousands members and growing, our mission is to make finance fun and accessible to all.

Bay Street Bets News

Weekly Financial Newsletter


Diego Laliberté Galdamez AKA BURLAP

Born in Montreal, raised in Rosemont. I’m a multidisciplinary artist working in various projects involving music, writing, content creation, graphism, web development and more.

Currently employed in the social work field, focusing on the homeless youth, former sound and lighting technician in live events, clubs and bars MVP, ex-original member of the hip-hop collective L’ Amalgame. Studied Ads, Cinéma and Qulture.